Assistant Lecturer, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

MSc. in Agriculture (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel),Undergraduate, SUA-Morogoro


Plant physiology


  • Optimizing nutrients for optimal yields with reduced pollution to the environment.
  • Studying root zone water and mineral uptake by plants under environmental stress.
  • Studying processes involved in decomposition of organic materials, mineralization and transformation of nutrients in soils.
  • Greenhouse gas emission from agricultural fields and carbon sequestration


Research Title; Investigation of Factors that Negatively Affects Productivity and Marketability of Hass Avocado in Rungwe District, Mbeya. Funder; University of Dar es Salaam

Position; Principle Investigator.


  1. Bar-Tal, A., Kiwonde, E., Kanner, B., Nitsan, I., Shawahna, R., Kurtzman, D. (2020)Nitrogen Fertilization of Plants Irrigated with Desalinated Water: A Study of Interactions of Nitrogen with Chloride. Water, 12, 2354.
  2. Ginzberg, I., Fogelman, E., Benghal, R., Keren-Kiserman, A., Tamari, O., Levhar, T.,Bar-Tal, A., Kurtzman, D., Kiwonde, E., Shawahna, R,. Nitzan, I., Dar, Z. (2018). The effects of nitrogen fertilization on potato yield and the quality of the skin of the potato tuber. Sadeh VeYerek 319:48-54 (Hebrew).